Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pungent pulp: Panda poop perfect for paper

March 27, 2007

Researchers at a giant panda reserve in Southern China is trying to find paper mills to process panda excrement into paper. Liao Jun, a researcher find the idea after a visit to Thailand last year where they found paper made out of elephant dung. They hope to have the product available by next year. The purpose of this is not to make a profit, but to recycle the waste. In the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Base the 40 pandas produce about two tons of droppings a day. When asked about customers that might consider the paper unsanitary. Liao Jun reply with "People won't find it gross at all, they won't even be able to tell its from panda poop".

Monday, March 5, 2007

Video appears to show brothers, 2 and 5, smoking pot

Video http://www.cnn.com/video/player/player.html?url=/video/law/2007/03/04/vo.tx.kids.smoking.pot.affl

Police in Fort Worth, Texas, said a video tape was founded in search of stolen goods in the apartment of 17 year old Demetris McCoy, uncle of two children and 18 year old Vanswan Poltry. The tape shows the two teenagers persuading a 2 year old boy and a 5 year old to smoke marijuana. "I have never seen anything like this quite so disturbing," said Bruce Ure, director of public safety for the Watauga Police Department. "Our children count on us to protect them; these individuals did everything but protect these children." These 2 teenagers were obviously trying to get the 2 children high, in the video you can see that the 2 children are stumbling and falling around. The boy’s mother was sleeping in the backroom during the incident. Ure said that he thinks this may not be the first time the children have smoked marijuana. Because in the video the children are holding the marijuana cigarette and inhaling, like they have done it before.

When I saw the video, I was shocked because those two teenagers are purposely trying to get the children high. You can hear them laughing in the background of the video. It’s even more amazing that the children are only 5 and 2 years old, and they are doing drugs already. I think the police should investigate this incident and put a stop to it.