Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pungent pulp: Panda poop perfect for paper

March 27, 2007

Researchers at a giant panda reserve in Southern China is trying to find paper mills to process panda excrement into paper. Liao Jun, a researcher find the idea after a visit to Thailand last year where they found paper made out of elephant dung. They hope to have the product available by next year. The purpose of this is not to make a profit, but to recycle the waste. In the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Base the 40 pandas produce about two tons of droppings a day. When asked about customers that might consider the paper unsanitary. Liao Jun reply with "People won't find it gross at all, they won't even be able to tell its from panda poop".


Cruiser Fung said...

This will be a great idea because they are recycling poop which means they are not killing anything living things to get paper. If they really starts doing this, we wouldn't have to chop down as much trees as we do right now.

Mike Anderson said...

I agree with the article and Cruisers comments. Although its kinda gross thinking that your writing on what used to be Panda dump, it still will save many species in the long run. For example, if a forest is cut down to make trees not only are the plants and trees dying, but the animals that are living there are forced to move and may die.

Jason J. Park said...

Wow... this is certainly a news to me. One thing I learned from this passage is that excrements can be used in ways other than fertilizers. I guess making papers out of dungs are good idea, but is it productive economically? I for some reason doubt it. If my guess is right, it would be expensive to turn excrement into paper. If so, it would be an issue between economy and environment but it's a whole different issue.
I hope people really learn how to recycle until we need to resort to writing on dungs or each other's backs.