Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Police referred Cho for counseling in 2005

POSTED: 10:34 a.m. EDT, April 18, 2007
Cho Seung-Hui , who was responsible for Monday's shooting was just referred for counseling for being suicidal, and having inappropriate contact with girls. This 23 year old Korean killed 32 people on Monday before taking his own life on the Virginia Tech Campus. The police first contacted Cho in November 2005 when a student complained about him calling her and contacting her in person. Cho was than sent to the university's Office of Judicial Affairs, no threat was made against Cho. The next month, another student complained about instant messages sent by Cho. The police asked him to see a counselor, he agreed, and he was sent to an independent mental health facility in Blacksburg.
Nikki Giovanni said she immediately suspected Cho, when she found out about the shooting. Cho's poetry was so intimidating, that Giovanni had to removed him from her class in fall of 2005. And two of her students quit her poetry class because Cho was taking photographs of them in class. Ian McFarlane, a classmate of Cho said two plays written by Cho was so twisted. The two plays Cho wrote was Richard McBeef, Mr. Brownstone, and I personally have the read these two plays and i can say that they are extremely sick and disturbing. And both plays talk about violence and people wanting to kill someone. Cho bought a Glock 9mm from a gun shop owner. The big question was why was the campus not closed down, and the students warned before Cho came back to the Norris Hall 2 hours later and did the
deadliest mass shooting.

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