Monday, May 28, 2007

Chinese woman cured of WWII ache

Jin Guangying, a 77 year old woman was shot in the head in September 1943, while delivering lunch to her father. She was 13 year old girl when she was shot in Xinyi County, Jiangsu during the gunfight between the Chinese and Japanese. She was one of the survivors. She recovered after three months but went on to experience repeated headaches. Recently her family borrowed money to have a thorough examination, and an x-ray showed a 3 cm long bullet in her head. "When she suffered from the headaches, she would sometimes babble words we could hardly understand, foaming at the mouth, and sometimes she pounded her head with her first," said, Mrs Jin's daughter. The family is planning to seek compensation and an apology from the Japanese Government. "It's a miracle. The operation was not that difficult, but it's unbelievable that Mrs Jin was able to survive for such a long time with a bullet in her head," said Zhou Hong.

It’s a miracle how this woman lived 64 years of her life with a bullet in her head. And what’s surprising is why did it take so long for them to actually get an examination on her head? I am just glad she got the bullet removed because it must have been hard to have repeated headaches for 64 years.

1 comment:

Jason J. Park said...

It is amazing how an elderly woman have survived till now with a bullet lodged in her head. I'm glad she can now put this behind
This issue, I believe, should not only focus on a lady getting hurt. We should look at the reasons why she got hurt; if it weren't for the war, she would have been fine, not to mention thousands of others who didn't have to perish in the war. I hope such tragedy does not have to happen again, though it seems like another tragedy that will affect nations for centuries is happening in Middle East right now.