Sunday, May 27, 2007

Rescuers to turn fire hoses on whales

POSTED: 7:03 a.m. EDT, May 25, 2007

Scientists have tried different methods such as sounds of other whales and clanging pipes to get the whales back to the ocean. But none of them seems to work. So now scientist plans to spray water near the whales from above and underwater, so that they can herd the whales back to the ocean."No one has done this before," said Frances Gulland, "At this point, we don't know if it will be a deterrent or an attractant." The physical condition of the whales had not changed much, but their wounds seemed to have worshen. Rescuers are now planning to inject the whales with antibiotics, so that it can help the wound heal fast. They are still developing the drug and they will likely use a syringe attached to a pole to insert it. The U.S. Coast Guard would keep a 500 yard buffer zone to keep the boats away from the whales.

1 comment:

Rafael Sepulveda said...

I think that it’s very good that scientists are trying this new technique because if the other techniques, like making whale sounds, don’t work. I think that we should keep trying to preserve nature, as well as the animals; to make our world a better one.