Tuesday, May 29, 2007

South Korea aims for space in 2017

POSTED: 1:39 p.m. EDT, May 29, 2007

Officials in South Korea announced on Monday that they will push for exploration of the planets in 2017. Seoul, South Korea seeks to join the exclusive space club. They will spend 3.8 trillion won which is 4 billion U.S. in the next 10 years, to have the technology in building satellites and rockets, said Jeong Jae-yang. The space exploration is "an investment for the future," said Jeong. South Korea also plans to join the international space exploration programs. They want to join the international space station and help master core technologies in building satellites and rockets. South Korea has launched nine satellites since 1992. Most of the satellites launched were used for observation of the space and ocean.

1 comment:

Alex Culp said...

I think that it is great that more countries are joining the space program. More countries should look into it and learn about everything going on in space.