Monday, May 28, 2007

Residents not sure two bullets enough to stop giant lizard

POSTED: 1:59 p.m. EDT, May 28, 2007

A four foot long, 80 pound monitor lizard was found lurking around in an Orlando suburb for months. The lizard didn’t injure anyone, but it had to be killed because it could be a potential danger for small children and animals. An officer shot the reptile twice, but he wasn’t close enough to catch it. The reptile crawled back into the pond. "If they did shoot it, I'm sure it's going to be angry if it comes out now," said Ilene Gothelf, “I want to know that it is safe for the kids to come out." The lizard was probably a pet that escaped or was dumped by its owner.

1 comment:

Josh Stevenson said...

i dont think the officer should have shot the lizard. If a crocodile gets loose in Australia they call people to come catch it and put back in the wild. I think that desition was rather rash.